Welcome to @bluepjs documentation!

@bluepjs is a Java Script visual scripting engine library, inspired by Unreal Engine Blueprints system.

Blueprint scripting looks like this:

Blueprint scripting example

@bluepjs may be integrated into projects required visual scripting of project entities behavior.

Version compatibility

@bluepjs project is under active development, but it doesn’t mean u can’t use it.

Version numbers for @bluepjs are: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.


Currently is 0 until full OOP/template/import/export impementation and then it will be 1.0.? version.

Major version will be increased on huge scripting engine updates and there is no guarantee of back-compatibility.

It may happen big refactoring before 1.0 publishing, if any back-compattibility will be loosed - updater will be provided.


Will be increased on each valuable update inside major roadmap. Resets to zero on major number incrementing.

Minor updates will be developed with back compatibility with previous minor version.


Will be incremented on every update. Doesn’t resets. Means nothing for back-compatibility.


I’m really sorry, but documentation is also under development (and not so active as engine)

Please, check https://github.com/bluep-js/example project for demo.
